PDF Clown

Package org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces

Color space types used to specify the colors of graphics objects inside content streams [PDF:1.6:4.5].


Class Summary
CalColorSpace CIE-based calibrated color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
CalGrayColor Single-component CIE-based color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
CalGrayColorSpace CIE-based A single-transformation-stage color space, where A represents a calibrated achromatic single-component color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
CalRGBColor CIE-based red-green-blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
CalRGBColorSpace CIE-based ABC single-transformation-stage color space, where A, B, and C represent calibrated red, green and blue color values [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
CIEBasedColorSpace Abstract CIE-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
Color<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject> Color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.1].
ColorSpace<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject> Color space [PDF:1.6:4.5].
DeviceCMYKColor Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceCMYKColorSpace Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceColor Device color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceColorSpace Device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceGrayColor Device Gray color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceGrayColorSpace Device Gray color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceNColor DeviceN color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
DeviceNColorSpace Special color space that can contain an arbitrary number of color components [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
DeviceRGBColor Device Red-Green-Blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
DeviceRGBColorSpace Device Red-Green-Blue color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
ICCBasedColorSpace ICC-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
IndexedColor Indexed color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
IndexedColorSpace Indexed color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
LabColor CIE-based L*a*b* color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
LabColorSpace CIE-based ABC double-transformation-stage color space, where A, B and C represent the L*, a* and b* components of a CIE 1976 L*a*b* space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
LeveledColor Color value defined by numeric-level components.
Pattern<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject> Paint that consists of a repeating graphical figure or a smoothly varying color gradient instead of a simple color [PDF:1.6:4.6].
PatternColorSpace Pattern color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
SeparationColor Separation color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
SeparationColorSpace Special color space that provides a means for specifying the use of additional colorants or for isolating the control of individual color components of a device color space for a subtractive device [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
Shading<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject> Shading object [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
ShadingPattern Pattern providing a smooth transition between colors across an area to be painted [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
SpecialColorSpace<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject> Special color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
SpecialDeviceColorSpace Special device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
TilingPattern Pattern consisting of a small graphical figure called pattern cell [PDF:1.6:4.6.2].
TilingPattern.Colorized Uncolored tiling pattern ("stencil") associated to a color.

Enum Summary
TilingPattern.PaintTypeEnum Pattern cell color mode.
TilingPattern.TilingTypeEnum Spacing adjustment of tiles relative to the device pixel grid.

Package org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces Description

Color space types used to specify the colors of graphics objects inside content streams [PDF:1.6:4.5].

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