PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects Content stream instructions [PDF:1.6:3.7.1]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.tokens Content stream serialization [PDF:1.6:3.7.1]. 

Uses of Operation in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects

Subclasses of Operation in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects
 class ApplyExtGState
          'Set the specified graphics state parameters' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class BeginInlineImage
          'Begin inline image object' operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class BeginMarkedContent
          'Begin marked-content sequence' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class BeginSubpath
          'Begin a new subpath by moving the current point' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class BeginText
          'Begin text object' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3].
 class CloseSubpath
          'Close the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from the current point to the starting point of the subpath' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class ContentMarker
          Abstract content marker [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class DrawCurve
          'Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class DrawLine
          'Append a straight line segment from the current point' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class DrawRectangle
          'Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class EndInlineImage
          'End inline image object' operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class EndMarkedContent
          'End marked-content sequence' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class EndText
          'End text object' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3].
 class GenericOperation
          Weakly-typed operation.
 class InlineImageBody
          Inline image data (anonymous) operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class InlineImageHeader
          Inline image entries (anonymous) operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class MarkedContentPoint
          'Marked-content point' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class ModifyClipPath
          Clipping path operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.2].
 class ModifyCTM
          'Modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by concatenating the specified matrix' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class PaintPath
          Path-painting operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.2].
 class PaintShading
          'Paint the shape and color shading' operation [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class PaintXObject
          'Paint the specified XObject' operation [PDF:1.6:4.7].
 class RestoreGraphicsState
          'Restore the graphics state by removing the most recently saved state from the stack and making it the current state' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SaveGraphicsState
          'Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetCharSpace
          'Set the character spacing' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetDeviceCMYKFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device CMYK color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceCMYKStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device CMYK color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceGrayFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device gray color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceGrayStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device gray color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceRGBFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device RGB color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceRGBStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device RGB color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFillColorSpace
          'Set the current color space to use for nonstroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFont
          'Set the text font' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetLineCap
          'Set the line cap style' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineDash
          'Set the line dash pattern' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineJoin
          'Set the line join style' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineWidth
          'Set the line width' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetMiterLimit
          'Set the miter limit' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetStrokeColorSpace
          'Set the current color space to use for stroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetTextLead
          'Set the text leading' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextMatrix
          'Set the text matrix' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.1].
 class SetTextRenderMode
          'Set the text rendering mode' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextRise
          'Set the text rise' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextScale
          'Set the horizontal scaling' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetWordSpace
          'Set the word spacing' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class ShowAdjustedText
          'Show one or more text strings, allowing individual glyph positioning' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowSimpleText
          'Show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowText
          Abstract 'show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowTextToNextLine
          'Move to the next line and show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class TranslateTextRelative
          'Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class TranslateTextToNextLine
          'Move to the start of the next line' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.1].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects that return Operation
static Operation Operation.get(String operator, List<PdfDirectObject> operands)
          Gets an operation.
 Operation CompositeObject.getHeader()
          Gets the object header.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects with parameters of type Operation
 void CompositeObject.setHeader(Operation value)
 void MarkedContent.setHeader(Operation value)

Uses of Operation in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.tokens

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.tokens that return Operation
 Operation ContentParser.parseOperation()
          Parses the next operation.

PDF Clown

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