PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use Font
org.pdfclown.documents.contents Types used to define the graphical appearance of PDF contents [PDF:1.6:3.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.composition Typographic composition. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts Font type definitions used to draw text inside content streams [PDF:1.6:5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects Content stream instructions [PDF:1.6:3.7.1]. 

Uses of Font in org.pdfclown.documents.contents

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents that return Font
 Font ExtGState.getFont()
 Font ContentScanner.GraphicsState.getFont()
          Gets the current font [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 Font TextStyle.getFont()
protected  Font FontResources.wrap(PdfDirectObject baseObject)

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with parameters of type Font
 void ExtGState.setFont(Font value)
 void ContentScanner.GraphicsState.setFont(Font value)

Constructors in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with parameters of type Font
TextStyle(Font font, double fontSize, TextRenderModeEnum renderMode, Color<?> strokeColor, ColorSpace<?> strokeColorSpace, Color<?> fillColor, ColorSpace<?> fillColorSpace)

Uses of Font in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.composition

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.composition with parameters of type Font
 void PrimitiveComposer.setFont(Font value, double size)
          Sets the font [PDF:1.6:5.2].

Uses of Font in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts

Subclasses of Font in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts
 class CompositeFont
          Composite font, also called Type 0 font [PDF:1.6:5.6].
 class MMType1Font
          Multiple Master Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class SimpleFont
          Simple font [PDF:1.6:5.5].
 class StandardType1Font
          Standard Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class TrueTypeFont
          TrueType font [PDF:1.6:5;OFF:2009].
 class Type0Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 0 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the Adobe Type 1 font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type1Font
          Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1;AFM:4.1].
 class Type2Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 2 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the TrueType font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type3Font
          Type 3 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.4].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts that return Font
static Font Font.get(Document context, File file)
          Creates the representation of a font.
static Font Font.get(Document context, IInputStream fontData)
          Creates the representation of a font.
static Font Font.get(Document context, String path)
          Creates the representation of a font.
static Font Font.wrap(PdfDirectObject baseObject)
          Wraps a font reference into a font object.

Uses of Font in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects that return Font
 Font SetFont.getFont(IContentContext context)
          Gets the font resource to be set.
 Font SetFont.getResource(IContentContext context)

PDF Clown

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