PDF Clown

Package org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers

Optional content [PDF:1.6:4.10], also known as layered content.


Interface Summary
ILayerable Object that can be associated to a layer.
ILayerConfiguration Optional content configuration interface [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
ILayerNode Object that can be inserted into a hierarchical layer structure.

Class Summary
Layer Optional content group [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
LayerConfiguration Optional content configuration [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
LayerDefinition Optional content properties [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
LayerEntity Layer entity.
LayerGroup A generic collection of layers.
LayerMembership Optional content membership [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
Layers Optional content group collection.

Enum Summary
LayerEntity.VisibilityPolicyEnum Membership visibility policy [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
ListModeEnum List mode specifying which layers should be displayed to the user.

Package org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers Description

Optional content [PDF:1.6:4.10], also known as layered content.

It refers to sections of content in a PDF document that can be selectively viewed or hidden by document authors or consumers. This capability is useful in items such as CAD drawings, layered artwork, maps, and multi-language documents.

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Copyright © 2006-2013 Stefano Chizzolini. Some Rights Reserved.
This documentation is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.