PDF Clown

Class Type2Function

  extended by org.pdfclown.objects.PdfObjectWrapper<TDataObject>
      extended by org.pdfclown.documents.functions.Function<PdfDictionary>
          extended by org.pdfclown.documents.functions.Type2Function
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, IPdfObjectWrapper

public final class Type2Function
extends Function<PdfDictionary>

Exponential interpolation of one input value and n output values [PDF:1.6:3.9.2].

Each input value x will return n values, given by y[j] = C0[j] + x^N × (C1[j] − C0[j]), for 0 ≤ j < n, where C0 and C1 are the function results when, respectively, x = 0 and x = 1, and N is the interpolation exponent.

0.1.2, 12/21/12
Stefano Chizzolini (http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.pdfclown.documents.functions.Function
Function.IDefaultIntervalsCallback<T extends Comparable<T>>
Method Summary
 double[] calculate(double[] inputs)
          Gets the result of the calculation applied by this function to the specified input values.
 Type2Function clone(Document context)
          Gets a clone of the object, registered inside the given document context.
 List<double[]> getBoundOutputValues()
          Gets the output value pairs (C0,C1) for lower (0.0) and higher (1.0) input values.
 double getExponent()
          Gets the interpolation exponent.
Methods inherited from class org.pdfclown.documents.functions.Function
calculate, getDictionary, getDomains, getInputCount, getIntervals, getOutputCount, getRanges, wrap
Methods inherited from class org.pdfclown.objects.PdfObjectWrapper
checkCompatibility, delete, equals, exists, getBaseDataObject, getBaseObject, getBaseObject, getContainer, getDataContainer, getDocument, getFile, getMetadata, retrieveName, retrieveNamedBaseObject, setBaseObject, setMetadata
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public double[] calculate(double[] inputs)
Description copied from class: Function
Gets the result of the calculation applied by this function to the specified input values.

Specified by:
calculate in class Function<PdfDictionary>
inputs - Input values.


public Type2Function clone(Document context)
Description copied from class: PdfObjectWrapper
Gets a clone of the object, registered inside the given document context.

clone in class PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>
context - Which document the clone has to be registered in.


public List<double[]> getBoundOutputValues()
Gets the output value pairs (C0,C1) for lower (0.0) and higher (1.0) input values.


public double getExponent()
Gets the interpolation exponent.

PDF Clown

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