PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use PdfDataObject
org.pdfclown.documents Document-level objects [PDF:1.6:3.6]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents Types used to define the graphical appearance of PDF contents [PDF:1.6:3.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces Color space types used to specify the colors of graphics objects inside content streams [PDF:1.6:4.5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.functions Static, self-contained numerical transformations that represent parameterized classes of functions, including mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution [PDF:1.6:3.9]. 
org.pdfclown.files File-level objects [PDF:1.6:3.4]. 
org.pdfclown.objects Primitive PDF object types [PDF:1.6:3.2], along with related extensions [PDF:1.6:3.8]. 
org.pdfclown.tokens PDF file serialization [PDF:1.6:3]. 

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.documents

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Names.get(Class<T> type)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Names.get(Class<T> type, PdfString key)

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.documents.contents

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Resources.get(Class<T> type)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Resources.get(Class<T> type, PdfName key)

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
 class Color<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.1].
 class Pattern<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Paint that consists of a repeating graphical figure or a smoothly varying color gradient instead of a simple color [PDF:1.6:4.6].
 class Shading<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Shading object [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces that return types with arguments of type PdfDataObject
static Shading<? extends PdfDataObject> Shading.wrap(PdfDirectObject baseObject)

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.documents.functions

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.functions with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
 class Function<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Function [PDF:1.6:3.9].

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.files

Methods in org.pdfclown.files with parameters of type PdfDataObject
 PdfIndirectObject IndirectObjects.add(PdfDataObject object)
          Registers an internal data object.
 PdfReference File.register(PdfDataObject object)
          Registers an internal data object.

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.objects

Classes in org.pdfclown.objects with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
 class PdfObjectWrapper<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          High-level representation of a PDF object.
 class Tree<TKey extends PdfSimpleObject<?>,TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
          Abstract tree [PDF:1.6:3.8.5].

Subclasses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.objects
 class PdfArray
          PDF array object, that is a one-dimensional collection of (possibly-heterogeneous) objects arranged sequentially [PDF:1.7:3.2.5].
 class PdfBoolean
          PDF boolean object [PDF:1.6:3.2.1].
 class PdfDate
          PDF date object [PDF:1.6:3.8.3].
 class PdfDictionary
          PDF dictionary object [PDF:1.6:3.2.6].
 class PdfDirectObject
          Abstract PDF direct object.
 class PdfInteger
          PDF integer number object [PDF:1.6:3.2.2].
 class PdfName
          PDF name object [PDF:1.6:3.2.4].
 class PdfNumber<TValue extends Number>
          PDF number object [PDF:1.6:3.2.2].
 class PdfReal
          PDF real number object [PDF:1.6:3.2.2].
 class PdfReference
          PDF indirect reference object [PDF:1.6:3.2.9].
 class PdfSimpleObject<TValue>
          Abstract PDF simple object.
 class PdfStream
          PDF stream object [PDF:1.6:3.2.7].
 class PdfString
          PDF string object [PDF:1.6:3.2.3].
 class PdfTextString
          PDF text string object [PDF:1.6:3.8.1].

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects with type parameters of type PdfDataObject
<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
ICompositeMap.get(Class<TValue> type)
          Gets the value map associated to the specified type.
<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
ICompositeMap.get(Class<TValue> type, TKey key)
          Gets the value associated to the specified key for the specified type.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfArray.get(int index, Class<T> itemClass)
          Gets the value corresponding to the given index, forcing its instantiation as a direct object in case of missing entry.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfArray.get(int index, Class<T> itemClass, boolean direct)
          Gets the value corresponding to the given index, forcing its instantiation in case of missing entry.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfDictionary.get(PdfName key, Class<T> valueClass)
          Gets the value corresponding to the given key, forcing its instantiation as a direct object in case of missing entry.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfDictionary.get(PdfName key, Class<T> valueClass, boolean direct)
          Gets the value corresponding to the given key, forcing its instantiation in case of missing entry.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfArray.resolve(int index, Class<T> itemClass)
          Gets the dereferenced value corresponding to the given index, forcing its instantiation in case of missing entry.
<T extends PdfDataObject>
PdfDictionary.resolve(PdfName key, Class<T> valueClass)
          Gets the dereferenced value corresponding to the given key, forcing its instantiation in case of missing entry.

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects that return PdfDataObject
 PdfDataObject IPdfIndirectObject.getDataObject()
          Gets the actual data associated to the indirect reference.
 PdfDataObject PdfIndirectObject.getDataObject()
 PdfDataObject PdfReference.getDataObject()
 PdfDataObject PdfObject.resolve()
          Ensures this object to be resolved into its corresponding data object.
 PdfDataObject PdfArray.resolve(int index)
          Gets the dereferenced value corresponding to the given index.
 PdfDataObject PdfDictionary.resolve(PdfName key)
          Gets the dereferenced value corresponding to the given key.
static PdfDataObject PdfObject.resolve(PdfObject object)
          Ensures an indirect reference to be resolved into its corresponding data object.

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects with parameters of type PdfDataObject
 void IPdfIndirectObject.setDataObject(PdfDataObject value)
 void PdfIndirectObject.setDataObject(PdfDataObject value)
 void PdfReference.setDataObject(PdfDataObject value)
static PdfDirectObject PdfObject.unresolve(PdfDataObject object)
          Ensures a data object to be unresolved into its corresponding indirect reference, if available.
 PdfObject Visitor.visit(PdfDataObject object, Object data)
 PdfObject IVisitor.visit(PdfDataObject object, Object data)
          Visits a data object.

Constructors in org.pdfclown.objects with parameters of type PdfDataObject
PdfIndirectObject(File file, PdfDataObject dataObject, XRefEntry xrefEntry)
          For internal use only.

Uses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.tokens

Subclasses of PdfDataObject in org.pdfclown.tokens
 class ObjectStream
          Object stream containing a sequence of PDF objects [PDF:1.6:3.4.6].
 class XRefStream
          Cross-reference stream containing cross-reference information [PDF:1.6:3.4.7].

Methods in org.pdfclown.tokens that return PdfDataObject
 PdfDataObject ObjectStream.get(Object key)
 PdfDataObject BaseParser.parsePdfObject()
          Parses the current PDF object [PDF:1.6:3.2].
 PdfDataObject FileParser.parsePdfObject()
 PdfDataObject BaseParser.parsePdfObject(int offset)
          Parses a PDF object after moving to the given token offset.
 PdfDataObject ObjectStream.put(Integer key, PdfDataObject value)
          For internal use only.
 PdfDataObject ObjectStream.remove(Object key)
          For internal use only.

Methods in org.pdfclown.tokens that return types with arguments of type PdfDataObject
 Set<Map.Entry<Integer,PdfDataObject>> ObjectStream.entrySet()
 Collection<PdfDataObject> ObjectStream.values()

Methods in org.pdfclown.tokens with parameters of type PdfDataObject
 PdfDataObject ObjectStream.put(Integer key, PdfDataObject value)
          For internal use only.

Method parameters in org.pdfclown.tokens with type arguments of type PdfDataObject
 void ObjectStream.putAll(Map<? extends Integer,? extends PdfDataObject> map)

PDF Clown

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