PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use SquareMatrix

Uses of SquareMatrix in org.pdfclown.util.math

Methods in org.pdfclown.util.math that return SquareMatrix
static SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.get(AffineTransform transform)
          Gets the SquareMatrix representation of an AffineTransform object.
static SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.getIdentity(int size)
          Gets the identity matrix.
 SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.getInverse()
          Gets the matrix inverse.
 SquareMatrix LUDecomposition.getL()
          Gets the lower triangular factor.
 SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.getMatrix(int[] rowIndexes, int startColumnIndex)
          Gets a submatrix.
 SquareMatrix LUDecomposition.getU()
          Gets the upper triangular factor.
 SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.solve(SquareMatrix target)
          Solves [this] * [return] = [target]
 SquareMatrix LUDecomposition.solve(SquareMatrix target)
          Solves [this] * [return] = [target]

Methods in org.pdfclown.util.math with parameters of type SquareMatrix
 SquareMatrix SquareMatrix.solve(SquareMatrix target)
          Solves [this] * [return] = [target]
 SquareMatrix LUDecomposition.solve(SquareMatrix target)
          Solves [this] * [return] = [target]

Constructors in org.pdfclown.util.math with parameters of type SquareMatrix
LUDecomposition(SquareMatrix matrix)

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