PDF Clown

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILayerable
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects External content objects that are able to be referenced from content stream objects [PDF:1.6:4.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations Annotations used to associate an object such as a note, sound, or movie with a location on a page of a PDF document, or to provide a way to interact with the user by means of the mouse and keyboard [PDF:1.6:8.4]. 

Uses of ILayerable in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects that implement ILayerable
 class FormXObject
          Form external object [PDF:1.6:4.9].
 class ImageXObject
          Image external object [PDF:1.6:4.8.4].
 class XObject
          External graphics object whose contents are defined by a self-contained content stream, separate from the content stream in which it is used [PDF:1.6:4.7].

Uses of ILayerable in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations that implement ILayerable
 class Annotation
          Annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4].
 class CalloutNote
          Free text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Caret
          Caret annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class DualWidget
          Dual-state widget annotation.
 class Ellipse
          Circle annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class FileAttachment
          File attachment annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Line
          Line annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Link
          Link annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Movie
          Movie annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Note
          Text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polygon
          Polygon annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polyline
          Polyline annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Popup
          Pop-up annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Rectangle
          Square annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class RubberStamp
          Rubber stamp annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Screen
          Screen annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Scribble
          Freehand "scribble" composed of one or more disjoint paths [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Shape
          Abstract shape annotation.
 class Sound
          Sound annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class TextMarkup
          Text markup annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class VertexShape
          Abstract vertexed shape annotation.
 class Widget
          Widget annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].

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