PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use PDF
org.pdfclown.bytes.filters Stream encoding/decoding filters [PDF:1.6:3.3]. 
org.pdfclown.documents Document-level objects [PDF:1.6:3.6]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents Types used to define the graphical appearance of PDF contents [PDF:1.6:3.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces Color space types used to specify the colors of graphics objects inside content streams [PDF:1.6:4.5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts Font type definitions used to draw text inside content streams [PDF:1.6:5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers Optional content [PDF:1.6:4.10], also known as layered content. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects Content stream instructions [PDF:1.6:3.7.1]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects External content objects that are able to be referenced from content stream objects [PDF:1.6:4.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.files File specifications used to reference the contents of other (either external or embedded) files [PDF:1.6:3.10]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.functions Static, self-contained numerical transformations that represent parameterized classes of functions, including mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution [PDF:1.6:3.9]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions Actions used to perform specific operations when triggered [PDF:1.6:8.5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations Annotations used to associate an object such as a note, sound, or movie with a location on a page of a PDF document, or to provide a way to interact with the user by means of the mouse and keyboard [PDF:1.6:8.4]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms Interactive forms (aka AcroForm) used to gather information interactively from the user [PDF:1.6:8.6]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document Features that allow a PDF viewer application to present the user with an interactive, global overview of a document [PDF:1.6:8.2]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page Features that enable the user to navigate from page to page within a document [PDF:1.6:8.3]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer PDF viewer settings [PDF:1.6:8.1]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access Features that support document accessibility. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata Features that support global information about the document [PDF:1.6:10.2]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia Features that allow a user to embed and play multimedia content within a PDF document [PDF:1.6:9]. 
org.pdfclown.objects Primitive PDF object types [PDF:1.6:3.2], along with related extensions [PDF:1.6:3.8]. 

Packages with annotations of type PDF
org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access Features that support document accessibility. 
org.pdfclown.documents.files File specifications used to reference the contents of other (either external or embedded) files [PDF:1.6:3.10]. 

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.bytes.filters

Classes in org.pdfclown.bytes.filters with annotations of type PDF
 class ASCII85Filter
          ASCII base-85 filter [PDF:1.6:3.3.2].
 class Filter
          Abstract filter [PDF:1.6:3.3].
 class FlateFilter
          zlib/deflate [RFC:1950,1951] filter [PDF:1.6:3.3.3].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents with annotations of type PDF
 class Articles
          Article threads [PDF:1.7:3.6.1].
 class Document
          PDF document [PDF:1.6:3.6.1].
 class DocumentActions
          Document actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class NamedDestinations
          Named destinations [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedEmbeddedFiles
          Named embedded files [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedJavaScripts
          Named JavaScript actions [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedRenditions
          Named renditions [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class Names
          Name dictionary [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class Page
          Document page [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
static class Page.TabOrderEnum
          Annotations tab order [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
 class PageActions
          Page actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class PageAnnotations
          Page annotations [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
 class PageArticleElements
          Page article beads [PDF:1.7:3.6.2].
 class PageLabels
          Page label ranges [PDF:1.6:3.6.1].
 class Pages
          Document pages collection [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents with annotations of type PDF
 DocumentActions Document.getActions()
          Gets the document's behavior in response to trigger events.
 PageActions Page.getActions()
          Gets the page's behavior in response to trigger events.
 Rectangle2D Page.getArtBox()
          Gets the extent of the page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page's creator [PDF:1.7:10.10.1].
 Articles Document.getArticles()
          Gets the article threads.
 Rectangle2D Page.getBleedBox()
          Gets the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped when output in a production environment [PDF:1.7:10.10.1].
 NamedDestinations Names.getDestinations()
          Gets the named destinations.
 double Page.getDuration()
          Gets the page's display duration.
 NamedEmbeddedFiles Names.getEmbeddedFiles()
          Gets the named embedded files.
 Form Document.getForm()
          Gets the interactive form (AcroForm).
 NamedJavaScripts Names.getJavaScripts()
          Gets the named JavaScript actions.
 LayerDefinition Document.getLayer()
          Gets the optional content properties.
 Names Document.getNames()
          Gets the name dictionary.
 PageLabels Document.getPageLabels()
          Gets the page label ranges.
 NamedRenditions Names.getRenditions()
          Gets the named renditions.
 Page.TabOrderEnum Page.getTabOrder()
          Gets the tab order to be used for annotations on the page.
 Transition Page.getTransition()
          Gets the transition effect to be used when displaying the page during presentations.
 Rectangle2D Page.getTrimBox()
          Gets the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming [PDF:1.7:10.10.1].
 Version Document.getVersion()
          Gets the version of the PDF specification this document conforms to.
 ViewerPreferences Document.getViewerPreferences()
          Gets the way the document is to be presented.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with annotations of type PDF
 class BlendModeEnum
          Blend mode to be used in the transparent imaging model [PDF:1.7:7.2.4].
 class ColorSpaceResources
          Color space resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class Contents
          Content stream [PDF:1.6:3.7.1].
 class ExtGState
          Graphics state parameters [PDF:1.6:4.3.4].
 class ExtGStateResources
          Graphics state parameter resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class FontResources
          Font resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class LineCapEnum
          Shape to be used at the ends of stroked open subpaths [PDF:1.6:4.3.2].
 class LineDash
          Line Dash Pattern [PDF:1.6:4.3.2].
 class LineJoinEnum
          Shape to be used at the corners of stroked paths [PDF:1.6:4.3.2].
 class PatternResources
          Pattern resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class PropertyList
          Private information meaningful to the program (application or plugin extension) creating the marked content [PDF:1.6:10.5.1].
 class PropertyListResources
          Property list resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class ResourceItems<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Collection of a specific resource type.
 class Resources
          Resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class ShadingResources
          Shading resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class TextRenderModeEnum
          Glyph-outlines appearance on text showing [PDF:1.6:5.2.5].
 class WindModeEnum
          Winding rule for determining which points lie inside a path [PDF:1.6:4.4.2].
 class XObjectResources
          External object resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with annotations of type PDF
 List<BlendModeEnum> ExtGState.getBlendMode()
          Gets the blend mode to be used in the transparent imaging model [PDF:1.7:7.2.4].
 Double ExtGState.getFillAlpha()
          Gets the nonstroking alpha constant, specifying the constant shape or constant opacity value to be used for nonstroking operations in the transparent imaging model [PDF:1.7:7.2.6].
 Font ExtGState.getFont()
 Double ExtGState.getFontSize()
 LineCapEnum ExtGState.getLineCap()
 LineDash ExtGState.getLineDash()
 LineJoinEnum ExtGState.getLineJoin()
 Double ExtGState.getLineWidth()
 Double ExtGState.getMiterLimit()
 PropertyListResources Resources.getPropertyLists()
 ShadingResources Resources.getShadings()
 Double ExtGState.getStrokeAlpha()
          Gets the stroking alpha constant, specifying the constant shape or constant opacity value to be used for stroking operations in the transparent imaging model [PDF:1.7:7.2.6].
 boolean ExtGState.isAlphaShape()
          Gets whether the current soft mask and alpha constant are to be interpreted as shape values instead of opacity values.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces with annotations of type PDF
 class CalColorSpace
          CIE-based calibrated color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalGrayColor
          Single-component CIE-based color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalGrayColorSpace
          CIE-based A single-transformation-stage color space, where A represents a calibrated achromatic single-component color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalRGBColor
          CIE-based red-green-blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalRGBColorSpace
          CIE-based ABC single-transformation-stage color space, where A, B, and C represent calibrated red, green and blue color values [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CIEBasedColorSpace
          Abstract CIE-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class DeviceCMYKColor
          Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceCMYKColorSpace
          Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceColorSpace
          Device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceGrayColor
          Device Gray color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceGrayColorSpace
          Device Gray color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceNColor
          DeviceN color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class DeviceNColorSpace
          Special color space that can contain an arbitrary number of color components [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class DeviceRGBColor
          Device Red-Green-Blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceRGBColorSpace
          Device Red-Green-Blue color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class ICCBasedColorSpace
          ICC-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class IndexedColor
          Indexed color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class IndexedColorSpace
          Indexed color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class LabColor
          CIE-based L*a*b* color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class LabColorSpace
          CIE-based ABC double-transformation-stage color space, where A, B and C represent the L*, a* and b* components of a CIE 1976 L*a*b* space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class Pattern<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Paint that consists of a repeating graphical figure or a smoothly varying color gradient instead of a simple color [PDF:1.6:4.6].
 class PatternColorSpace
          Pattern color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SeparationColor
          Separation color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SeparationColorSpace
          Special color space that provides a means for specifying the use of additional colorants or for isolating the control of individual color components of a device color space for a subtractive device [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class Shading<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Shading object [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class ShadingPattern
          Pattern providing a smooth transition between colors across an area to be painted [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class SpecialColorSpace<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject>
          Special color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SpecialDeviceColorSpace
          Special device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class TilingPattern
          Pattern consisting of a small graphical figure called pattern cell [PDF:1.6:4.6.2].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts with annotations of type PDF
 class CompositeFont
          Composite font, also called Type 0 font [PDF:1.6:5.6].
 class Font
          Abstract font [PDF:1.6:5.4].
 class MMType1Font
          Multiple Master Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class SimpleFont
          Simple font [PDF:1.6:5.5].
 class StandardType1Font
          Standard Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class TrueTypeFont
          TrueType font [PDF:1.6:5;OFF:2009].
 class Type0Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 0 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the Adobe Type 1 font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type1Font
          Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1;AFM:4.1].
 class Type2Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 2 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the TrueType font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type3Font
          Type 3 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.4].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers with annotations of type PDF
 class Layer
          Optional content group [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
 class LayerConfiguration
          Optional content configuration [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
 class LayerDefinition
          Optional content properties [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
 class LayerGroup
          A generic collection of layers.
 class LayerMembership
          Optional content membership [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
 class Layers
          Optional content group collection.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects with annotations of type PDF
 class ApplyExtGState
          'Set the specified graphics state parameters' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class BeginInlineImage
          'Begin inline image object' operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class BeginMarkedContent
          'Begin marked-content sequence' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class BeginSubpath
          'Begin a new subpath by moving the current point' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class BeginText
          'Begin text object' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3].
 class CloseSubpath
          'Close the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from the current point to the starting point of the subpath' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class CompositeObject
          Composite object.
 class ContainerObject
          Container object.
 class ContentMarker
          Abstract content marker [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class ContentObject
          Abstract content object [PDF:1.6:4.1].
 class DrawCurve
          'Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class DrawLine
          'Append a straight line segment from the current point' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class DrawRectangle
          'Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath' operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.1].
 class EndInlineImage
          'End inline image object' operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class EndMarkedContent
          'End marked-content sequence' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class EndText
          'End text object' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3].
 class GraphicsObject
          Graphics object [PDF:1.6:4.1].
 class InlineImage
          Inline image object [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class InlineImageBody
          Inline image data (anonymous) operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class InlineImageHeader
          Inline image entries (anonymous) operation [PDF:1.6:4.8.6].
 class LocalGraphicsState
          Local graphics state [PDF:1.6:4.3.1].
 class MarkedContent
          Marked-content sequence [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class MarkedContentPoint
          'Marked-content point' operation [PDF:1.6:10.5].
 class ModifyClipPath
          Clipping path operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.2].
 class ModifyCTM
          'Modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by concatenating the specified matrix' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class Operation
          Content stream instruction [PDF:1.6:3.7.1].
 class PaintPath
          Path-painting operation [PDF:1.6:4.4.2].
 class PaintShading
          'Paint the shape and color shading' operation [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class PaintXObject
          'Paint the specified XObject' operation [PDF:1.6:4.7].
 class Path
          Path object [PDF:1.6:4.4].
 class RestoreGraphicsState
          'Restore the graphics state by removing the most recently saved state from the stack and making it the current state' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SaveGraphicsState
          'Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetCharSpace
          'Set the character spacing' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetDeviceCMYKFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device CMYK color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceCMYKStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device CMYK color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceGrayFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device gray color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceGrayStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device gray color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceRGBFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in device RGB color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetDeviceRGBStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in device RGB color space' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFillColor
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFillColorSpace
          'Set the current color space to use for nonstroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetFont
          'Set the text font' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetLineCap
          'Set the line cap style' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineDash
          'Set the line dash pattern' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineJoin
          'Set the line join style' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetLineWidth
          'Set the line width' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetMiterLimit
          'Set the miter limit' operation [PDF:1.6:4.3.3].
 class SetStrokeColor
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetStrokeColorSpace
          'Set the current color space to use for stroking operations' operation [PDF:1.6:4.5.7].
 class SetTextLead
          'Set the text leading' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextMatrix
          'Set the text matrix' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.1].
 class SetTextRenderMode
          'Set the text rendering mode' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextRise
          'Set the text rise' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetTextScale
          'Set the horizontal scaling' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class SetWordSpace
          'Set the word spacing' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class Shading
          Shading object [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class ShowAdjustedText
          'Show one or more text strings, allowing individual glyph positioning' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowSimpleText
          'Show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowText
          Abstract 'show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class ShowTextToNextLine
          'Move to the next line and show a text string' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.2].
 class Text
          Text object [PDF:1.6:5.3].
 class TranslateTextRelative
          'Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line' operation [PDF:1.6:5.2].
 class TranslateTextToNextLine
          'Move to the start of the next line' operation [PDF:1.6:5.3.1].
 class XObject
          External object shown in a content stream context [PDF:1.6:4.7].

Fields in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects with annotations of type PDF
static String SetFillColor.ExtendedOperator
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in any color space' operator.
static String SetStrokeColor.ExtendedOperator
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in any color space' operator.
static String SetFillColor.Operator
          'Set the color to use for nonstroking operations in a device, CIE-based (other than ICCBased), or Indexed color space' operator.
static String SetStrokeColor.Operator
          'Set the color to use for stroking operations in a device, CIE-based (other than ICCBased), or Indexed color space' operator.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects with annotations of type PDF
 class FormXObject
          Form external object [PDF:1.6:4.9].
 class ImageXObject
          Image external object [PDF:1.6:4.8.4].
 class XObject
          External graphics object whose contents are defined by a self-contained content stream, separate from the content stream in which it is used [PDF:1.6:4.7].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects with annotations of type PDF
 LayerEntity XObject.getLayer()

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.files

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.files with annotations of type PDF
 class EmbeddedFile
          Embedded file [PDF:1.6:3.10.3].
 class FileSpecification<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject>
          Reference to the contents of another file (file specification) [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].
 class FullFileSpecification
          Extended reference to the contents of another file [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].
 class RelatedFiles
          Embedded files referenced by another one (dependencies) [PDF:1.6:3.10.3].
 class SimpleFileSpecification
          Simple reference to the contents of another file [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.functions

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.functions with annotations of type PDF
 class Function<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Function [PDF:1.6:3.9].
 class Functions
          List of 1-input functions combined in a stitching function [PDF:1.6:3.9.3].
 class Type0Function
          Sampled function using a sequence of sample values to provide an approximation for functions whose domains and ranges are bounded [PDF:1.6:3.9.1].
 class Type2Function
          Exponential interpolation of one input value and n output values [PDF:1.6:3.9.2].
 class Type3Function
          Stitching function producing a single new 1-input function from the combination of the subdomains of several 1-input functions [PDF:1.6:3.9.3].
 class Type4Function
          PostScript calculator function represented as a stream containing code written in a small subset of the PostScript language [PDF:1.6:3.9.4].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with annotations of type PDF
 class Action
          Action to be performed by the viewer application [PDF:1.6:8.5].
 class ChainedActions
          Chained actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.1].
 class DoTransition
          'Control drawing during a sequence of actions' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoTo3dView
          'Change the view to a specified 3D annotation' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToDestination<T extends Destination>
          Abstract 'go to destination' action.
 class GoToEmbedded
          'Change the view to a specified destination in a PDF file embedded in another PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToFirstPage
          'Go to the first page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToLastPage
          'Go to the last page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToLocal
          'Change the view to a specified destination within the same PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToNextPage
          'Go to the next page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToNonLocal<T extends Destination>
          Abstract 'go to non-local destination' action.
 class GoToPreviousPage
          'Go to the previous page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToRemote
          'Change the view to a specified destination in another PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToThread
          'Jump to a specified bead on an article thread' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToURI
          'Cause a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to be resolved' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class ImportData
          'Import FDF (Forms Data Format) data into the document's interactive form from a specified file' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class JavaScript
          'Cause a script to be compiled and executed by the JavaScript interpreter' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class Launch
          'Launch an application' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class NamedAction
          Named action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class PlayMovie
          'Play a movie' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class PlaySound
          'Play a sound' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class Render
          'Control the playing of multimedia content' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class ResetForm
          'Reset selected interactive form fields to their default values' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class SetLayerState
          'Set the state of one or more optional content groups' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class SubmitForm
          'Transmit the names and values of selected interactive form fields to a specified URL (Uniform Resource Locator)' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class ToggleVisibility
          'Toggle the visibility of one or more annotations on the screen' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with annotations of type PDF
 ChainedActions Action.getActions()
          Gets the actions to be performed after the current one.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations with annotations of type PDF
 class Annotation
          Annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4].
 class AnnotationActions
          Annotation actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class Appearance
          Appearance [PDF:1.6:8.4.4].
 class AppearanceCharacteristics
          Appearance characteristics [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class AppearanceStates
          Appearance states [PDF:1.6:8.4.4].
 class Border
          Border characteristics [PDF:1.6:8.4.3].
 class CalloutNote
          Free text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Caret
          Caret annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class DualWidget
          Dual-state widget annotation.
 class Ellipse
          Circle annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class FileAttachment
          File attachment annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Line
          Line annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Link
          Link annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Movie
          Movie annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Note
          Text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polygon
          Polygon annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polyline
          Polyline annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Popup
          Pop-up annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Rectangle
          Square annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class RubberStamp
          Rubber stamp annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Screen
          Screen annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Scribble
          Freehand "scribble" composed of one or more disjoint paths [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Shape
          Abstract shape annotation.
 class Sound
          Sound annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class TextMarkup
          Text markup annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class VertexShape
          Abstract vertexed shape annotation.
 class Widget
          Widget annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class WidgetActions
          Widget actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations with annotations of type PDF
 Action Annotation.getAction()
          Gets the action to be performed when the annotation is activated.
 AnnotationActions Annotation.getActions()
          Gets the annotation's behavior in response to various trigger events.
 Appearance Annotation.getAppearance()
          Gets the appearance specifying how the annotation is presented visually on the page.
 Border Annotation.getBorder()
          Gets the border style.
 DeviceColor Annotation.getColor()
          Gets the annotation color.
 EnumSet<Annotation.FlagsEnum> Annotation.getFlags()
          Gets the annotation flags.
 LayerEntity Annotation.getLayer()
 Date Annotation.getModificationDate()
          Gets the date and time when the annotation was most recently modified.
 String Annotation.getName()
          Gets the annotation name.
 Page Annotation.getPage()
          Gets the associated page.
 boolean Annotation.isPrintable()
          Gets whether to print the annotation when the page is printed.
 boolean Annotation.isVisible()
          Gets whether the annotation is visible.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms with annotations of type PDF
 class ButtonField
          Button field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class CheckBox
          Check box field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceField
          Choice field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceItem
          Field option [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceItems
          Field options [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ComboBox
          Combo box [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class Field
          Interactive form field [PDF:1.6:8.6.2].
 class FieldActions
          Form field actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class Fields
          Interactive form fields [PDF:1.6:8.6.1].
 class FieldWidgets
          Field widget annotations [PDF:1.6:8.6].
 class Form
          Interactive form (AcroForm) [PDF:1.6:8.6.1].
 class ListBox
          List box [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class PushButton
          Pushbutton field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class RadioButton
          Radio button field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class SignatureField
          Signature field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class TextField
          Text field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document with annotations of type PDF
 class Bookmark
          Outline item [PDF:1.6:8.2.2].
static class Bookmark.FlagsEnum
          Bookmark flags [PDF:1.6:8.2.2].
 class Bookmarks
          Collection of bookmarks [PDF:1.6:8.2.2].
 class Destination
          Interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].
 class LocalDestination
          Local interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].
 class RemoteDestination
          Remote interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document with annotations of type PDF
 DeviceRGBColor Bookmark.getColor()
          Gets the bookmark text color.
 EnumSet<Bookmark.FlagsEnum> Bookmark.getFlags()
          Gets the bookmark flags.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page with annotations of type PDF
 class Article
          Article thread [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class ArticleElement
          Article bead [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class ArticleElements
          Article beads [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class PageLabel
          Page label range [PDF:1.7:8.3.1].
 class Transition
          Visual transition to use when moving to a page during a presentation [PDF:1.6:8.3.3].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page with annotations of type PDF
 double Transition.getScale()
          Gets the scale at which the changes are drawn.

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer with annotations of type PDF
 class ViewerPreferences
          Viewer preferences [PDF:1.6:8.1].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access with annotations of type PDF
 class LanguageIdentifier
          Language identifier [PDF:1.7:10.8.1][RFC 3066].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata with annotations of type PDF
 class Information
          Document information [PDF:1.6:10.2.1].
 class Metadata
          Metadata stream [PDF:1.6:10.2.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata with annotations of type PDF
 String Information.getKeywords()
 Date Information.getModificationDate()
 String Information.getSubject()
 String Information.getTitle()

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia with annotations of type PDF
 class MediaClip
          Media clip object [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
 class MediaClipData
          Media clip data [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
 class MediaClipSection
          Media clip section [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
 class MediaOffset<T>
          Media offset [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
 class MediaPlayer
          Media player info [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class MediaPlayers
          Media player rules [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class MediaPlayParameters
          Media play parameters [PDF:1.7:9.1.4].
 class MediaRendition
          Media rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class MediaScreenParameters
          Media screen parameters [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
 class MonitorSpecifierEnum
          Monitor specifier [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class Movie
          Movie object [PDF:1.6:9.3].
 class Rendition
          Rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class SelectorRendition
          Selector rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class SoftwareIdentifier
          Software identifier [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class Sound
          Sound object [PDF:1.6:9.2].

Uses of PDF in org.pdfclown.objects

Classes in org.pdfclown.objects with annotations of type PDF
 class Tree<TKey extends PdfSimpleObject<?>,TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
          Abstract tree [PDF:1.6:3.8.5].

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects with annotations of type PDF
 FileSpecification<?> PdfStream.getDataFile()

PDF Clown

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This documentation is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.