PDF Clown

Uses of Class

Packages that use PdfObjectWrapper
org.pdfclown.documents Document-level objects [PDF:1.6:3.6]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents Types used to define the graphical appearance of PDF contents [PDF:1.6:3.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces Color space types used to specify the colors of graphics objects inside content streams [PDF:1.6:4.5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts Font type definitions used to draw text inside content streams [PDF:1.6:5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers Optional content [PDF:1.6:4.10], also known as layered content. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects Content stream instructions [PDF:1.6:3.7.1]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects External content objects that are able to be referenced from content stream objects [PDF:1.6:4.7]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.files File specifications used to reference the contents of other (either external or embedded) files [PDF:1.6:3.10]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.functions Static, self-contained numerical transformations that represent parameterized classes of functions, including mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution [PDF:1.6:3.9]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction Features that allow a user to interact with a document on the screen [PDF:1.6:8]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions Actions used to perform specific operations when triggered [PDF:1.6:8.5]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations Annotations used to associate an object such as a note, sound, or movie with a location on a page of a PDF document, or to provide a way to interact with the user by means of the mouse and keyboard [PDF:1.6:8.4]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms Interactive forms (aka AcroForm) used to gather information interactively from the user [PDF:1.6:8.6]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document Features that allow a PDF viewer application to present the user with an interactive, global overview of a document [PDF:1.6:8.2]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page Features that enable the user to navigate from page to page within a document [PDF:1.6:8.3]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer PDF viewer settings [PDF:1.6:8.1]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access Features that support document accessibility. 
org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata Features that support global information about the document [PDF:1.6:10.2]. 
org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia Features that allow a user to embed and play multimedia content within a PDF document [PDF:1.6:9]. 
org.pdfclown.files File-level objects [PDF:1.6:3.4]. 
org.pdfclown.objects Primitive PDF object types [PDF:1.6:3.2], along with related extensions [PDF:1.6:3.8]. 

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 class PageElements<TItem extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>>
          Page elements.

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents
 class Articles
          Article threads [PDF:1.7:3.6.1].
 class Document
          PDF document [PDF:1.6:3.6.1].
 class DocumentActions
          Document actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class NamedDestinations
          Named destinations [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedEmbeddedFiles
          Named embedded files [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedJavaScripts
          Named JavaScript actions [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class NamedRenditions
          Named renditions [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class Names
          Name dictionary [PDF:1.6:3.6.3].
 class Page
          Document page [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
 class PageActions
          Page actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class PageAnnotations
          Page annotations [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
 class PageArticleElements
          Page article beads [PDF:1.7:3.6.2].
 class PageElements<TItem extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>>
          Page elements.
 class PageLabels
          Page label ranges [PDF:1.6:3.6.1].
 class Pages
          Document pages collection [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Names.get(Class<T> type)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Names.get(Class<T> type, PdfString key)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
Document.resolve(Class<T> type, PdfDirectObject baseObject)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
Document.resolveName(Class<T> type, PdfDirectObject namedBaseObject)
          Forces a named base object to be expressed as its corresponding high-level representation.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> DocumentActions.getOnOpen()
          Gets the destination to be displayed or the action to be performed after opening the document.
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> Document.include(PdfObjectWrapper<?> object)
          Clones the specified object within this document context.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents that return types with arguments of type PdfObjectWrapper
 Collection<? extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>> Document.include(Collection<? extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>> objects)
          Clones the specified collection objects within this document context.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void Document.exclude(PdfObjectWrapper<?> object)
          Deletes the object from this document context.
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> Document.include(PdfObjectWrapper<?> object)
          Clones the specified object within this document context.
 void DocumentActions.setOnOpen(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Method parameters in org.pdfclown.documents with type arguments of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void Document.exclude(Collection<? extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>> objects)
          Deletes the objects from this document context.
 Collection<? extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>> Document.include(Collection<? extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>> objects)
          Clones the specified collection objects within this document context.

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 class ResourceItems<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Collection of a specific resource type.

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents
 class ColorSpaceResources
          Color space resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class Contents
          Content stream [PDF:1.6:3.7.1].
 class ExtGState
          Graphics state parameters [PDF:1.6:4.3.4].
 class ExtGStateResources
          Graphics state parameter resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class FontResources
          Font resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class PatternResources
          Pattern resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class PropertyList
          Private information meaningful to the program (application or plugin extension) creating the marked content [PDF:1.6:10.5.1].
 class PropertyListResources
          Property list resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class ResourceItems<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Collection of a specific resource type.
 class Resources
          Resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class ShadingResources
          Shading resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].
 class XObjectResources
          External object resources collection [PDF:1.6:3.7.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.contents with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Resources.get(Class<T> type)
<T extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
Resources.get(Class<T> type, PdfName key)

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.colorSpaces
 class CalColorSpace
          CIE-based calibrated color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalGrayColor
          Single-component CIE-based color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalGrayColorSpace
          CIE-based A single-transformation-stage color space, where A represents a calibrated achromatic single-component color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalRGBColor
          CIE-based red-green-blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CalRGBColorSpace
          CIE-based ABC single-transformation-stage color space, where A, B, and C represent calibrated red, green and blue color values [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class CIEBasedColorSpace
          Abstract CIE-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class Color<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.1].
 class ColorSpace<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject>
          Color space [PDF:1.6:4.5].
 class DeviceCMYKColor
          Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceCMYKColorSpace
          Device Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceColor
          Device color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceColorSpace
          Device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceGrayColor
          Device Gray color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceGrayColorSpace
          Device Gray color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceNColor
          DeviceN color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class DeviceNColorSpace
          Special color space that can contain an arbitrary number of color components [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class DeviceRGBColor
          Device Red-Green-Blue color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class DeviceRGBColorSpace
          Device Red-Green-Blue color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.3].
 class ICCBasedColorSpace
          ICC-based color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class IndexedColor
          Indexed color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class IndexedColorSpace
          Indexed color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class LabColor
          CIE-based L*a*b* color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class LabColorSpace
          CIE-based ABC double-transformation-stage color space, where A, B and C represent the L*, a* and b* components of a CIE 1976 L*a*b* space [PDF:1.6:4.5.4].
 class LeveledColor
          Color value defined by numeric-level components.
 class Pattern<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Paint that consists of a repeating graphical figure or a smoothly varying color gradient instead of a simple color [PDF:1.6:4.6].
 class PatternColorSpace
          Pattern color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SeparationColor
          Separation color value [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SeparationColorSpace
          Special color space that provides a means for specifying the use of additional colorants or for isolating the control of individual color components of a device color space for a subtractive device [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class Shading<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Shading object [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class ShadingPattern
          Pattern providing a smooth transition between colors across an area to be painted [PDF:1.6:4.6.3].
 class SpecialColorSpace<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject>
          Special color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class SpecialDeviceColorSpace
          Special device color space [PDF:1.6:4.5.5].
 class TilingPattern
          Pattern consisting of a small graphical figure called pattern cell [PDF:1.6:4.6.2].
static class TilingPattern.Colorized
          Uncolored tiling pattern ("stencil") associated to a color.

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.fonts
 class CompositeFont
          Composite font, also called Type 0 font [PDF:1.6:5.6].
 class Font
          Abstract font [PDF:1.6:5.4].
 class MMType1Font
          Multiple Master Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class SimpleFont
          Simple font [PDF:1.6:5.5].
 class StandardType1Font
          Standard Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1].
 class TrueTypeFont
          TrueType font [PDF:1.6:5;OFF:2009].
 class Type0Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 0 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the Adobe Type 1 font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type1Font
          Type 1 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.1;AFM:4.1].
 class Type2Font
          Composite font associated to a Type 2 CIDFont, containing glyph descriptions based on the TrueType font format [PDF:1.6:5.6.3].
 class Type3Font
          Type 3 font [PDF:1.6:5.5.4].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.layers
 class Layer
          Optional content group [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
 class LayerConfiguration
          Optional content configuration [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
 class LayerDefinition
          Optional content properties [PDF:1.7:4.10.3].
 class LayerEntity
          Layer entity.
 class LayerGroup
          A generic collection of layers.
 class LayerMembership
          Optional content membership [PDF:1.7:4.10.1].
 class Layers
          Optional content group collection.

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects

Classes in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 interface IResourceReference<TResource extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Resource reference.

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.contents.xObjects
 class FormXObject
          Form external object [PDF:1.6:4.9].
 class ImageXObject
          Image external object [PDF:1.6:4.8.4].
 class XObject
          External graphics object whose contents are defined by a self-contained content stream, separate from the content stream in which it is used [PDF:1.6:4.7].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.files

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.files
 class EmbeddedFile
          Embedded file [PDF:1.6:3.10.3].
 class FileSpecification<TDataObject extends PdfDirectObject>
          Reference to the contents of another file (file specification) [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].
 class FullFileSpecification
          Extended reference to the contents of another file [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].
 class RelatedFiles
          Embedded files referenced by another one (dependencies) [PDF:1.6:3.10.3].
 class SimpleFileSpecification
          Simple reference to the contents of another file [PDF:1.6:3.10.2].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.functions

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.functions
 class Function<TDataObject extends PdfDataObject>
          Function [PDF:1.6:3.9].
 class Functions
          List of 1-input functions combined in a stitching function [PDF:1.6:3.9.3].
 class Type0Function
          Sampled function using a sequence of sample values to provide an approximation for functions whose domains and ranges are bounded [PDF:1.6:3.9.1].
 class Type2Function
          Exponential interpolation of one input value and n output values [PDF:1.6:3.9.2].
 class Type3Function
          Stitching function producing a single new 1-input function from the combination of the subdomains of several 1-input functions [PDF:1.6:3.9.3].
 class Type4Function
          PostScript calculator function represented as a stream containing code written in a small subset of the PostScript language [PDF:1.6:3.9.4].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> ILink.getTarget()
          Gets the link target.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void ILink.setTarget(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions
 class Action
          Action to be performed by the viewer application [PDF:1.6:8.5].
 class ChainedActions
          Chained actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.1].
 class DoTransition
          'Control drawing during a sequence of actions' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoTo3dView
          'Change the view to a specified 3D annotation' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToDestination<T extends Destination>
          Abstract 'go to destination' action.
 class GoToEmbedded
          'Change the view to a specified destination in a PDF file embedded in another PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
static class GoToEmbedded.PathElement
          Path information to the target document [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToFirstPage
          'Go to the first page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToLastPage
          'Go to the last page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToLocal
          'Change the view to a specified destination within the same PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToNextPage
          'Go to the next page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToNonLocal<T extends Destination>
          Abstract 'go to non-local destination' action.
 class GoToPreviousPage
          'Go to the previous page of the document' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToRemote
          'Change the view to a specified destination in another PDF file' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToThread
          'Jump to a specified bead on an article thread' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class GoToURI
          'Cause a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to be resolved' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class ImportData
          'Import FDF (Forms Data Format) data into the document's interactive form from a specified file' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class JavaScript
          'Cause a script to be compiled and executed by the JavaScript interpreter' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class Launch
          'Launch an application' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
static class Launch.WinTarget
          Windows-specific launch parameters [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class NamedAction
          Named action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class PlayMovie
          'Play a movie' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class PlaySound
          'Play a sound' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class Render
          'Control the playing of multimedia content' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
 class ResetForm
          'Reset selected interactive form fields to their default values' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class SetLayerState
          'Set the state of one or more optional content groups' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].
static class SetLayerState.LayerStates
 class SubmitForm
          'Transmit the names and values of selected interactive form fields to a specified URL (Uniform Resource Locator)' action [PDF:1.6:8.6.4].
 class ToggleVisibility
          'Toggle the visibility of one or more annotations on the screen' action [PDF:1.6:8.5.3].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> Launch.getTarget()
          Gets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions that return types with arguments of type PdfObjectWrapper
 Collection<PdfObjectWrapper<?>> ToggleVisibility.getObjects()
          Gets the annotations (or associated form fields) to be affected.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void Launch.setTarget(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Method parameters in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with type arguments of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void ToggleVisibility.setObjects(Collection<PdfObjectWrapper<?>> value)

Constructors in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
Launch(Document context, PdfObjectWrapper<?> target)
          Creates a launcher.

Constructor parameters in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.actions with type arguments of type PdfObjectWrapper
ToggleVisibility(Document context, Collection<PdfObjectWrapper<?>> objects, boolean visible)
          Creates a new action within the given document context.

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations
 class Annotation
          Annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4].
 class AnnotationActions
          Annotation actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class Appearance
          Appearance [PDF:1.6:8.4.4].
 class AppearanceCharacteristics
          Appearance characteristics [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
static class AppearanceCharacteristics.IconFitObject
          Icon fit [PDF:1.6:8.6.6].
 class AppearanceStates
          Appearance states [PDF:1.6:8.4.4].
 class Border
          Border characteristics [PDF:1.6:8.4.3].
 class CalloutNote
          Free text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
static class CalloutNote.LineObject
          Callout line [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Caret
          Caret annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class DualWidget
          Dual-state widget annotation.
 class Ellipse
          Circle annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class FileAttachment
          File attachment annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Line
          Line annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Link
          Link annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Note
          Text annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polygon
          Polygon annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Polyline
          Polyline annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Popup
          Pop-up annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class RubberStamp
          Rubber stamp annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Screen
          Screen annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Scribble
          Freehand "scribble" composed of one or more disjoint paths [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class Shape
          Abstract shape annotation.
 class TextMarkup
          Text markup annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class VertexShape
          Abstract vertexed shape annotation.
 class Widget
          Widget annotation [PDF:1.6:8.4.5].
 class WidgetActions
          Widget actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> Link.getTarget()

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void Link.setTarget(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Constructors in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.annotations with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
Link(Page page, Rectangle2D box, String text, PdfObjectWrapper<?> target)

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.forms
 class ButtonField
          Button field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class CheckBox
          Check box field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceField
          Choice field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceItem
          Field option [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ChoiceItems
          Field options [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class ComboBox
          Combo box [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class Field
          Interactive form field [PDF:1.6:8.6.2].
 class FieldActions
          Form field actions [PDF:1.6:8.5.2].
 class Fields
          Interactive form fields [PDF:1.6:8.6.1].
 class FieldWidgets
          Field widget annotations [PDF:1.6:8.6].
 class Form
          Interactive form (AcroForm) [PDF:1.6:8.6.1].
 class ListBox
          List box [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class PushButton
          Pushbutton field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class RadioButton
          Radio button field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class SignatureField
          Signature field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].
 class TextField
          Text field [PDF:1.6:8.6.3].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document
 class Bookmark
          Outline item [PDF:1.6:8.2.2].
 class Bookmarks
          Collection of bookmarks [PDF:1.6:8.2.2].
 class Destination
          Interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].
 class LocalDestination
          Local interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].
 class RemoteDestination
          Remote interaction target [PDF:1.6:8.2.1].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> Bookmark.getTarget()

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.document with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void Bookmark.setTarget(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.navigation.page
 class Article
          Article thread [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class ArticleElement
          Article bead [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class ArticleElements
          Article beads [PDF:1.7:8.3.2].
 class PageLabel
          Page label range [PDF:1.7:8.3.1].
 class Transition
          Visual transition to use when moving to a page during a presentation [PDF:1.6:8.3.3].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interaction.viewer
 class ViewerPreferences
          Viewer preferences [PDF:1.6:8.1].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.access
 class LanguageIdentifier
          Language identifier [PDF:1.7:10.8.1][RFC 3066].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.interchange.metadata
 class Information
          Document information [PDF:1.6:10.2.1].
 class Metadata
          Metadata stream [PDF:1.6:10.2.2].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia
 class MediaClip
          Media clip object [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
 class MediaClipData
          Media clip data [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
static class MediaClipData.Viability
          Media clip data viability.
 class MediaClipSection
          Media clip section [PDF:1.7:9.1.3].
 class MediaOffset<T>
          Media offset [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
static class MediaOffset.Frame
          Media offset frame [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
static class MediaOffset.Marker
          Media offset marker [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
static class MediaOffset.Time
          Media offset time [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
 class MediaPlayer
          Media player info [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class MediaPlayers
          Media player rules [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class MediaPlayParameters
          Media play parameters [PDF:1.7:9.1.4].
static class MediaPlayParameters.Viability
          Media player parameters viability.
 class MediaRendition
          Media rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class MediaScreenParameters
          Media screen parameters [PDF:1.7:9.1.5].
static class MediaScreenParameters.Viability
          Media screen parameters viability.
static class MediaScreenParameters.Viability.FloatingWindowParameters
 class Movie
          Movie object [PDF:1.6:9.3].
 class Rendition
          Rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
static class Rendition.Viability
          Rendition viability [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class SelectorRendition
          Selector rendition [PDF:1.7:9.1.2].
 class SoftwareIdentifier
          Software identifier [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
static class SoftwareIdentifier.Version
          Software version number [PDF:1.7:9.1.6].
 class Sound
          Sound object [PDF:1.6:9.2].

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia that return PdfObjectWrapper
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> MediaClipSection.getData()
 PdfObjectWrapper<?> MediaClipData.getData()
abstract  PdfObjectWrapper<?> MediaClip.getData()
          Gets the actual media data.

Methods in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 void MediaClipData.setData(PdfObjectWrapper<?> value)

Constructors in org.pdfclown.documents.multimedia with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
MediaClipData(PdfObjectWrapper<?> data, String mimeType)

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.files

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.files
 class FileIdentifier
          File identifier [PDF:1.7:10.3].

Uses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.objects

Classes in org.pdfclown.objects with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
 class NameTree<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Name tree [PDF:1.7:3.8.5].
 class NumberTree<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Number tree [PDF:1.7:3.8.6].
 class Tree<TKey extends PdfSimpleObject<?>,TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
          Abstract tree [PDF:1.6:3.8.5].

Subclasses of PdfObjectWrapper in org.pdfclown.objects
 class Array<TItem extends IPdfObjectWrapper>
          Collection of sequentially-arranged object wrappers.
 class NameTree<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Name tree [PDF:1.7:3.8.5].
 class NumberTree<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<?>>
          Number tree [PDF:1.7:3.8.6].
 class Rectangle
          PDF rectangle object [PDF:1.6:3.8.4].
 class Tree<TKey extends PdfSimpleObject<?>,TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
          Abstract tree [PDF:1.6:3.8.5].

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects with type parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
ICompositeMap.get(Class<TValue> type)
          Gets the value map associated to the specified type.
<TValue extends PdfObjectWrapper<? extends PdfDataObject>>
ICompositeMap.get(Class<TValue> type, TKey key)
          Gets the value associated to the specified key for the specified type.

Methods in org.pdfclown.objects with parameters of type PdfObjectWrapper
static PdfDirectObject PdfObjectWrapper.getBaseObject(PdfObjectWrapper<?> wrapper)
          Gets the PDF object backing the specified wrapper.

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